Administrative Code

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Virginia Administrative Code
Title 20. Public Utilities And Telecommunications
Agency 5. State Corporation Commission
Chapter 318. Rules Governing the Evaluation, Measurement, and Verification of the Effects of Utility-Sponsored Demand-Side Management Programs

20VAC5-318-50. Standard requirements for evaluation, measurement, and verification reporting.

A. EM&V of approved DSM measures or programs should be consistent with and contrasted to the preliminary EM&V plan set forth in the filings for approval of such measures or programs or as otherwise specified in a commission order approving such measures or programs. The commission recognizes that each utility has unique characteristics, and new or modified energy efficiency measures are constantly being developed. As such, alternative methodologies may be included in reporting provided that sufficient supporting documentation and explanation of appropriateness of alternative methodologies is provided.

B. EM&V reports of existing measures or programs shall utilize utility-specific data or other data in conformance with 20VAC5-318-40 A when updating the analysis of the cost effectiveness of each measure, program, or portfolio as appropriate and practicable. EM&V reports of existing measures or programs shall include the information required by 20VAC5-318-40 B and C.

C. Any changes to or variances from originally approved measure-level inputs and assumptions shall be documented and explained, and the impact of such changes on original cost/benefit estimates for DSM programs or measures shall be quantified.

D. EM&V reports shall describe the methodologies by which the measured data was collected, including at a minimum:

1. The sampling plan; and

2. Statistical calculations upon which the reported data is based when applicable.

E. EM&V reports for ongoing DSM measures or programs shall include an explanation of eligibility requirements for each rate schedule to which the measures or programs are being offered.

F. EM&V reports for ongoing DSM measures or programs shall include a comparison of the measured annual measure or program savings estimates to the annual usage of the average rate schedule usage and eligible customer in each rate schedule to which the measures or programs is being offered. A comparison to originally approved estimated savings for the measures or programs that were approved by the commission shall also be provided. This will include a calculation of the expected savings as a percentage of the annual usage of the average rate schedule usage and eligible customer as appropriate and practicable.

G. EM&V reports for ongoing DSM measures or programs shall include a description of the controls undertaken by the utility to verify proper installation of the measures or programs, as appropriate. Additionally, utilities shall require the contractors and subcontractors that will be implementing the measures or programs, if applicable and practicable, to record details of serviced or replaced equipment, to include at a minimum:

1. Nameplate efficiency ratings;

2. Serial numbers; and

3. Model numbers.

This information will be made available to commission staff upon request.

H. EM&V reports should include actual costs incurred by the utility and each EM&V contractor for (i) the development of the most recent EM&V plan and (ii) the administration of EM&V activities for the reporting period.

Statutory Authority

§§ 12.1-13 and 56-585.1 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 34, Issue 8, eff. January 1, 2018.

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